big travel

samedi 22 janvier 2011

Travelling, to Morocco

Travelling, to Morocco

There are some guidelines for tourists travelling to Morocco, which can be followed in order to minimize the cultural differences you may encounter once you are in this beautiful part of the world.

Though you might feel as though you are inundated with offers and deals in many Moroccan souks, it would be wisest if you avoid rude or aggressive behaviour. If you are genuinely not interested in making any purchases at the time, a friendly decline and your body language will likely tell them this. In general, never keep silent if you are offered something. Silence is considered to be rude and can be offensive. Rather talk your way out of the situation.

Travelling to Morocco

Often you might encounter begging children. Their demands can get quite overwhelming and you can even feel as though you are being harassed. Always try not to give them anything, as this only encourages them. Instead, keep your sense of humor, smile, laugh and find a way to brush them off.

Though Moroccans are advancing fast, they are still for the most part a very traditional nation. This is clearly reflected in their dress. As tourists, it would be wisest to pay attention to your own dress as what you wear could offend locals or cause harassment. Legs and shoulders are considered to be ‘private body parts’ in most parts of morocco, and men and woman should do their utmost to keep these areas covered. Woman are generally covered from wrist to ankle and men are covered elbow to below the knee. This sort of covering will be accepted in most areas of Morocco and woman not covered sufficiently will often get harassed

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